


就我个人而言, 社会工作实习, 研究, and education are driven by a strong sense of commitment and passion to visions of the world where social justice is lived out in everyone's day-to-day experiences. Constantly challenging myself and our students to embody these calls to justice excite me about this work and fill me with hope. 我的教学, 研究, and service converge around the goals of challenging and documenting marginalization in social work education and practice, and more specifically by addressing and preventing negative outcomes for populations who have experienced marginalization in any form. These goals have centered primarily on substance use intervention and prevention with historically marginalized groups, but have also addressed issues of discrimination and, 最近, 交叉生活经历.

我的教学 addresses these overarching goals by developing and delivering courses and simulations incorporating content and discussions focused on power, 特权, 和压迫, working collaboratively with students on 研究 that attends to issues of multiculturalism, 多样和交叉的身份, 以及药物使用, mentoring and advising social work students who embody identities that are underrepresented in the social work profession, and supporting students whose work centers on critical approaches to social justice.


  • PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 社会工作
  • 垃圾,圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台
  • BA, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 国际 Studies and Anthropology

Knowing that teaching and 研究 can always make a difference in the lives of students and members of our community (and beyond) inspires me to continue to do my best work every single day.

Dr. 凯尔·班尼特


班尼特,K. M.坎贝尔,J。. M., & 海斯,年代. P. (审查). Engaging youth for positive change: A mixed methods evaluation of site level program implementation and outcomes. 孩子们 & 青年服务检讨.

班尼特,K. M. (进行中). As American as discrimination: Latinx emerging adults' internalization of racism in the 21st century. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.

班尼特,K. M.史密斯,D. C., & 棕褐色,K. (进行中). Emerging adult responses to substance use within proximal social networks: A latent profile analysis of peer supportive behaviors. 成人初显期.

班尼特K. M. 1月(2021). 成键 & efficacy matter: Exploring a macro-policy program's impacts on youth and young adult civic engagement and alcohol use. Poster accepted to the 25th Annual 社会工作协会 & 研究会议(虚拟).

班尼特,K. M.棕褐色,K.吴,C., & 奥斯特勒,T. (2020年11月). Using live simulations to teach clinical 研究 in social work. Panel Discussion accepted to the 66th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on 社会工作 教育 in Alexandria, VA.

班尼特,K. M.海斯,S. P.索尔兹伯里,A., & 坎贝尔,J. (2020年11月). Engaging Youth for Positive Change: Civic education and the well-being of youth. Panel Discussion accepted to the 66th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on 社会工作 教育 in Alexandria, VA.

班尼特,K. M.史密斯,D. C.棕褐色,K. P. H. 1月(2019). Emerging adult responses to substance use within proximal social networks: A latent profile analysis of peer supportive behaviors. 社会工作协会 & 研究(SSWR). 旧金山,加州. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual 社会工作协会 & 研究 Conference in 旧金山,加州.

班尼特,K.M. 1月(2019). A multivariate analysis of cannabis use quantity 以及药物使用 severity among emerging adults: A move toward standardized measurements for cannabis use. 社会工作协会 & 研究(SSWR). 旧金山,加州. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual 社会工作协会 & 研究 Conference in 旧金山,加州.

班尼特,K. M.史密斯,D. C., & 鼠尾草属的K. L. 1月(2018). Predictors of Peer Social Support in a Dyad-Based Peer Intervention for Substance Misuse. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual 2018 社会工作协会 & 研究会议在华盛顿举行.C.

班尼特,K. M. & 史密斯,维. C. (2017年11月). (Not) getting high with a little help from one's friends: Acceptability of a mobile application to help peers address their emerging adult friends' substance use. Poster presented at the 2017 Society for the Study of 成人初显期 in Washington D.C.


鼠尾草属的K. L.贝内特,K。. M., & 中方通过T. (已接受发表). Simulation-based learning to foster critical dialogues and enhance cultural competency with MSW students. 社会工作教育杂志.

Goffnet J., 鼠尾草属的K. L.贝内特,K。. M., & 史密斯,维. C. (已接受发表). A comparison of developmental reasons for substance use between sexual minority and heterosexual emerging adults. 同性恋杂志 & 女同性恋社会服务.

班尼特,K. M., 鼠尾草属的K. L.史密斯,D. C., & 李. C. (2020). Usability and acceptability of the Harbor mobile app to help emerging adults address their friends' substance use: A quantitative study. Journal of Medical and Internet 研究, 22(11), e16632.

史密斯,维. C.埃吉齐奥,L. L.贝内特,K。.M.温莎,L. C., & 鼠尾草属的K. (2018). Teaching empirically supported substance use interventions in social work: Navigating instructional methods and accreditation standards. 社会工作教育杂志, 54(sup1), S90-S102.

Egizio L. L.史密斯,D. C.贝内特,K。. M.坎贝尔,C. C., & 温莎,L. C. (2018). Field supervision training for a Screening, 短暂的干预, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) implementation project. Clinical 社会工作 Journal, 47(1), 53-60.

史密斯,维. C.贝内特,K。. M.丹尼斯,M. L., & 恐慌,R. (2017). Psychometric validation of the Gain Short Screener in a large national sample of emerging adults. 成瘾行为,68,14-17.

史密斯,维. C.贝内特,K。. M.丹尼斯,M. L., & 恐慌,R. (2017). Screening, assessment, and diagnosis of substance use disorders among emerging adults. 在D. C. 史密斯(Ed.), Emerging Adults and Substance Use Disorder Treatment (pp. 38-70). 纽约:牛津大学出版社.

温莎,L. C.贝内特,K。. M.史密斯,D. C., & 吉本斯,F. (2017). Substance use disorder treatments: Addressing the needs of emerging adults from 特权d and marginalized backgrounds. 在D. C. 史密斯(Ed.), Emerging Adults and Substance Use Disorder Treatment (pp. 96-118). 纽约:牛津大学出版社.

更多关于博士. 班尼特


SWK 320 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
SWK 340 Undergraduate 社会工作 研究


社会工作协会 研究(SSWR)
Council on 社会工作 教育 (CSWE)
Society for the Study of 成人初显期 (SSEA)


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